3 Ways an SEO Plan Makes Your Website More Profitable

3 Ways an SEO Plan Makes Your Website More Profitable

SEO          November 2020              SHARE

People primarily use search engines—Google, YouTube, Bing, or Yahoo —to find answers to their questions. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a type of web marketing strategy that improves your website's design and content to make your target audience find and engage with you more easily.   

How SEO Works and Why It's Important for Business’ Website 

search results

To understand the value of SEO, you need to know how websites and search engines interact. Search engines web crawlers organize publicly available information even before people searchlooking at different parts of a website and using outgoing links to discover other pages. They bring this information to the search engine's servers, where they're further indexed. With the use of algorithms to rank pages, this process helps produce high-quality search results. 

Most traffic received by websites come from search engines, also referred to as organic traffic. Google alone receives 40,000 search queries per second or 3.5 billion searches daily. Majority of people don't go beyond page 1 of the search engine result page. But landing on the first page doesn't guarantee a click-through—it's being among the first three search results that raise the likelihood of people visiting your website or a section within it by over 50%.  

Therefore, your website must be SEO-friendly, with information that’s easy for search engine crawlers to understand so that your content can rank higher. 

SEO Benefits to Your Website 

How can higher rankings and SEO in general boost your online presence? 

1. Higher web traffic improves branding and sales. 

    By becoming more visible and readable, potential customers and investors can locate you faster, increasing your brand awareness and conversions. Nearly 15% of leads from SEO become customers. 

    Moreover, ranking high in search engine result pages (SERPs) raises your credibility as people usually consider higher ranking sites as trustworthy and reputable. 

    More than visibility, SEO gives you access to website analytics, which show you what your visitors are looking for. You can work at whatever gaps you find to further improve site traffic. 

    2. Faster loading speed results in a better visitor experience. 

    website loading speed

    People are impatient—they'd normally leave your page if it takes more than three seconds to load. SEO looks at aspects of your website such as image formats and sizes, plug-ins, JavaScript files, and so on to ensure they're not slowing down your website, whether on desktop or mobile, which accounts for about half of worldwide web traffic.  

    3. Long-term benefits make it more cost-effective. 

    Companies may have to spend five-digit amounts monthly to finance the $1 to $2 per click for every user interaction with Google Ads. It also costs less than outbound marketing or cold-calling. With SEO, traffic doesn't stop when your payments end. It's more sustainable as your site builds up its authority and visibility over time once you've established an SEO plan and incorporate it into your business.  

    Hello SEO Can Help You Achieve Your Optimization Goals  

    Hello SEO can be your digital marketing strategy partner in leveraging your website against your competitors. We'll examine your portal with you, checking all the moving pieces that affect its usability and social activity.  

    Hello SEO will develop an action plan and then widen your site's reach online. Learn how Hello SEO can help you kick start the best SEO strategy for your company by contacting us today. 


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